Friday, 22 June 2012

"I've nothing much to offer. There's nothing much to take."

This was always my Bowie. The dancing one. The one that was nearly the baddie in A View To A Kill. The one that used to be the boy in The Snowman. There's been a few Bowies on the BBC tonight. It's been ace.

"My hands are a little dirty."

Used photo references, and still managed to cock it up. But hey, I guess a car that's only two feet wide is good for getaways. Did the typeface by hand, so...y'know, smooches.

Oldies #1: Where it's at.

Gonna reprint some old stuff I don't hate. Here's Handsome Beck Hansen, from a year ago or whatever.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Mug Shots #1 - Mad Max 2

Needed a little warm-up project. So I drew these dull head-n'-shoulders of some dudes from Mad Max 2. Might make a habit of it. Might not.

Welcome to my new blog. 'kay. thanks. bye. xx